Internal API¶
Extraction and Diagnostic Routines¶
The routines below are called internally by wrf.getvar()
wrf.g_cape.get_2dcape |
Return the two-dimensional fields of MCAPE, MCIN, LCL, and LFC. |
wrf.g_cape.get_3dcape |
Return the three-dimensional CAPE and CIN. |
wrf.g_cloudfrac.get_cloudfrac |
Return the cloud fraction for low, mid, and high level clouds. |
wrf.g_ctt.get_ctt |
Return the cloud top temperature. |
wrf.g_dbz.get_dbz |
Return the simulated radar reflectivity. |
wrf.g_dbz.get_max_dbz |
Return the maximum simulated radar reflectivity. |
wrf.g_dewpoint.get_dp |
Return the dewpoint temperature. |
wrf.g_dewpoint.get_dp_2m |
Return the 2m dewpoint temperature. |
wrf.g_geoht.get_geopt |
Return the geopotential. |
wrf.g_geoht.get_height |
Return the geopotential height. |
wrf.g_geoht.get_height_agl |
Return the geopotential height (AGL). |
wrf.g_geoht.get_stag_geopt |
Return the geopotential for the vertically staggered grid. |
wrf.g_geoht.get_stag_height |
Return the geopotential height for the vertically staggered grid. |
wrf.g_helicity.get_srh |
Return the storm relative helicity. |
wrf.g_helicity.get_uh |
Return the updraft helicity. |
wrf.g_omega.get_omega |
Return Omega. |
wrf.g_pressure.get_pressure |
Return the pressure in the specified units. |
wrf.g_pressure.get_pressure_hpa |
Return the pressure in [hPa]. |
wrf.g_pw.get_pw |
Return the preciptiable water. |
wrf.g_rh.get_rh |
Return the relative humidity. |
wrf.g_rh.get_rh_2m |
Return the 2m relative humidity. |
wrf.g_slp.get_slp |
Return the sea level pressure in the specified units. |
wrf.g_temp.get_theta |
Return the potential temperature. |
wrf.g_temp.get_temp |
Return the temperature in the specified units. |
wrf.g_temp.get_eth |
Return the equivalent potential temperature. |
wrf.g_temp.get_tv |
Return the virtual temperature. |
wrf.g_temp.get_tw |
Return the wetbulb temperature. |
wrf.g_temp.get_tk |
Return the temperature in [K]. |
wrf.g_temp.get_tc |
Return the temperature in [degC]. |
wrf.g_terrain.get_terrain |
Return the terrain height in the specified units. |
wrf.g_times.get_times |
Return a sequence of time objects. |
wrf.g_times.get_xtimes |
Return a sequence of time objects. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet |
Return the u,v wind components rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet10 |
Return the u,v components for the 10m winds rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet_wspd_wdir |
Return the wind speed and wind direction for the wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet10_wspd_wdir |
Return the wind speed and wind direction for the 10m wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_vorticity.get_avo |
Return the absolute vorticity. |
wrf.g_vorticity.get_pvo |
Return the potential vorticity. |
wrf.g_wind.get_u_destag |
Return the u-component of the wind on mass points. |
wrf.g_wind.get_v_destag |
Return the v-component of the wind on mass points. |
wrf.g_wind.get_w_destag |
Return the w-component of the wind on mass points. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wspd_wdir |
Return the wind speed and wind direction for the wind in the projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wspd_wdir10 |
Return the wind speed and wind direction for the 10m wind in projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wspd |
Return the wind speed in the projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wdir |
Return the wind direction in the projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wspd10 |
Return the wind speed for the 10m wind in projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wdir10 |
Return the wind direction for the 10m wind in projected coordinate (i.e. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet_wspd |
Return the wind speed for the wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet_wdir |
Return the wind direction for the wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet10_wspd |
Return the wind speed for the 10m wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet10_wdir |
Return the wind direction for the 10m wind rotated to earth coordinates. |
wrf.g_cloudfrac.get_low_cloudfrac |
Return the cloud fraction for the low level clouds. |
wrf.g_cloudfrac.get_mid_cloudfrac |
Return the cloud fraction for the mid level clouds. |
wrf.g_cloudfrac.get_high_cloudfrac |
Return the cloud fraction for the high level clouds. |
wrf.g_cape.get_cape2d_only |
Return the two-dimensional field of MCAPE (Max Convective Available Potential Energy). |
wrf.g_cape.get_cin2d_only |
Return the two-dimensional field of MCIN (Max Convective Inhibition). |
wrf.g_cape.get_lcl |
Return the two-dimensional field of LCL (Lifted Condensation Level). |
wrf.g_cape.get_lfc |
Return the two-dimensional field of LFC (Level of Free Convection). |
wrf.g_cape.get_3dcape_only |
Return the three-dimensional field of CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy). |
wrf.g_cape.get_3dcin_only |
Return the three-dimensional field of CIN (Convective Inhibition). |
Algorithm Decorators¶
The decorators below are used for performing common operations related to diagnostic and interpolation calculations.
wrf.decorators.convert_units |
A decorator that converts the units from the wrapped function’s output. |
wrf.decorators.left_iteration |
A decorator to handle iterating over the leftmost dimensions. |
wrf.decorators.cast_type |
A decorator to handle type casting. |
wrf.decorators.extract_and_transpose |
A decorator to extract the data array from a xarray.DataArray |
wrf.decorators.check_args |
A decorator to check that the wrapped function’s arguments are valid. |
wrf.specialdec.uvmet_left_iter |
A decorator to handle iterating over the leftmost dimensions for the uvmet diagnostic. |
wrf.specialdec.cape_left_iter |
A decorator to handle iterating over the leftmost dimensions for the cape diagnostic. |
wrf.specialdec.cloudfrac_left_iter |
A decorator to handle iterating over the leftmost dimensions for the cloud fraction diagnostic. |
Metadata Decorators¶
The decorators below are used for performing common operations related to setting metadata.
wrf.metadecorators.copy_and_set_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_wind_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped wind function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_cape_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped CAPE function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_cloudfrac_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped cloud fraction function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_latlon_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped latlon function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_height_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped height function’s output. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_interp_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped interpolation function. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_alg_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for a wrapped raw diagnostic function. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_uvmet_alg_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for the wrapped raw UVMET diagnostic function. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_cape_alg_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for the wrapped raw CAPE diagnostic function. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_cloudfrac_alg_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for the wrapped raw cloud fraction diagnostic function. |
wrf.metadecorators.set_destag_metadata |
A decorator that sets the metadata for the wrapped raw destaggering function. |
Decorator Utilities¶
The routines below are used within the decorators.
wrf.either |
A callable class that determines which variable is present in the file. |
wrf.combine_dims |
A callable class that mixes dimension sizes from different function arguments. |
wrf.from_var |
A callable class that retrieves attributes from the function argument. |
wrf.from_args |
Return a mapping of argument name to value for the called function. |
wrf.args_to_list |
Return all of the function arguments, including defaults, as a list. |
wrf.arg_location |
Return the function arguments as a single list along with the index within that list for a specified argument name. |
Iterable Wrapper Class¶
The class below is an Iterable wrapper class and provides an __iter__ function that always returns the beginning of the sequence, regardless of the Iterable type.
wrf.IterWrapper |
A wrapper class for generators and custom iterable classes that returns a new iterator to the start of the sequence when IterWrapper.__iter__() is called. |