Table of Available Diagnostics¶
Variable Name | Description | Available Units | Additional Keyword Arguments |
avo | Absolute Vorticity | 10-5 s-1 | |
eth/theta_e | Equivalent Potential Temperature | K degC degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘K’. |
cape_2d | 2D CAPE (MCAPE/MCIN/LCL/LFC) | J kg-1 ; J kg-1 ; m ; m | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
cape_3d | 3D CAPE and CIN | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
ctt | Cloud Top Temperature | degC K degF |
fill_nocloud (boolean): Set to True to use fill values for cloud free regions rather than surface temperature. Default is False. missing (float): The fill value to use when fill_nocloud is True. opt_thresh (float): The optical depth required to trigger the cloud top temperature calculation. Default is 1.0. units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘degC’. |
cloudfrac | Cloud Fraction | % | vert_type (str): The vertical coordinate type for the cloud thresholds. Must be ‘height_agl’, ‘height_msl’, or ‘pres’. Default is ‘height_agl’. low_thresh (float): The low cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 300 m (97000 Pa) mid_thresh (float): The mid cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 2000 m (80000 Pa) high_thresh (float): The high cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 6000 m (45000 Pa) |
dbz | Reflectivity | dBZ | do_variant (boolean): Set to True to enable variant calculation. Default is False. do_liqskin (boolean): Set to True to enable liquid skin calculation. Default is False. |
mdbz | Maximum Reflectivity | dBZ | do_variant (boolean): Set to True to enable variant calculation. Default is False. do_liqskin (boolean): Set to True to enable liquid skin calculation. Default is False. |
geopt/geopotential | Geopotential for the Mass Grid | m2 s-2 | |
geopt_stag | Geopotential for the Vertically Staggered Grid | m2 s-2 | |
helicity | Storm Relative Helicity | m2 s-2 | top (float): The top level for the calculation in meters. Default is 3000.0. |
lat | Latitude | decimal degrees | |
lon | Longitude | decimal degrees | |
omg/omega | Omega | Pa s-1 | |
p/pres | Full Model Pressure (in specified units) |
Pa hPa mb torr mmhg atm |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘Pa’. |
pressure | Full Model Pressure (hPa) | hPa | |
pvo | Potential Vorticity | PVU | |
pw | Precipitable Water | kg m-2 | |
rh | Relative Humidity | % | |
rh2 | 2m Relative Humidity | % | |
slp | Sea Level Pressure | hPa hPa mb torr mmhg atm |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘hPa’. |
T2 | 2m Temperature | K | |
ter | Model Terrain Height | m km dm ft mi |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m’. |
td2 | 2m Dew Point Temperature | degC K degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘degC’. |
td | Dew Point Temperature | degC K degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘degC’. |
tc | Temperature in Celsius | degC | |
th/theta | Potential Temperature | K degC degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘K’. |
temp | Temperature (in specified units) | K degC degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘K’. |
tk | Temperature in Kelvin | K | |
times | Times in the File or Sequence | ||
xtimes | XTIME Coordinate (if applicable) |
minutes since start of model run |
tv | Virtual Temperature | K degC degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘K’. |
twb | Wet Bulb Temperature | K degC degF |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘K’. |
updraft_helicity | Updraft Helicity | m2 s-2 | bottom (float): The bottom level for the calculation in meters. Default is 2000.0. top (float): The top level for the calculation in meters. Default is 5000.0. |
ua | U-component of Wind on Mass Points | m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
va | V-component of Wind on Mass Points | m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wa | W-component of Wind on Mass Points | m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet10 | 10 m U and V Components of Wind Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet | U and V Components of Wind Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wspd_wdir | Wind Speed and Direction (wind_from_direction) in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wspd_wdir10 | 10m Wind Speed and Direction (wind_from_direction) in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet_wspd_wdir | Wind Speed and Direction (wind_from_direction) Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet10_wspd_wdir | 10m Wind Speed and Direction (wind_from_direction) Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
z/height | Model Height for Mass Grid | m km dm ft mi |
msl (boolean): Set to False to return AGL values. True is for MSL. Default is True. units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m’. |
height_agl | Model Height for Mass Grid (AGL) | m km dm ft mi |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m’. |
zstag | Model Height for Vertically Staggered Grid | m km dm ft mi |
msl (boolean): Set to False to return AGL values. True is for MSL. Default is True. units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m’. |
Table of Subproduct Diagnostics¶
Some diagnostics (e.g. cape_2d) include multiple products in its
output. These products have been broken out in to individual diagnostics
to help those utilities that are unable to work with multiple outputs.
These individual diagnostics can be requested like any other diagnostic
using wrf.getvar()
. These are summarized in the table below.
Variable Name | Calculated From | Description | Available Units | Additional Keyword Arguments |
mcape | cape_2d | 2D Max CAPE | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
mcin | cape_2d | 2D Max CIN | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
lcl | cape_2d | 2D Lifted Condensation Level | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
lfc | cape_2d | 2D Level of Free Convection | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
cape3d_only | cape_3d | 3D CAPE | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
cin3d_only | cape_3d | 3D CIN | J kg-1 | missing (float): Fill value for output only |
low_cloudfrac | cloudfrac | Cloud Fraction for Low Clouds | % | vert_type (str): The vertical coordinate type for the cloud thresholds. Must be ‘height_agl’, ‘height_msl’, or ‘pres’. Default is ‘height_agl’. low_thresh (float): The low cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 300 m (97000 Pa) mid_thresh (float): The mid cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 2000 m (80000 Pa) high_thresh (float): The high cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 6000 m (45000 Pa) |
mid_cloudfrac | cloudfrac | Cloud Fraction for Mid Clouds | % | vert_type (str): The vertical coordinate type for the cloud thresholds. Must be ‘height_agl’, ‘height_msl’, or ‘pres’. Default is ‘height_agl’. low_thresh (float): The low cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 300 m (97000 Pa) mid_thresh (float): The mid cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 2000 m (80000 Pa) high_thresh (float): The high cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 6000 m (45000 Pa) |
high_cloudfrac | cloudfrac | Cloud Fraction for High Clouds | % | vert_type (str): The vertical coordinate type for the cloud thresholds. Must be ‘height_agl’, ‘height_msl’, or ‘pres’. Default is ‘height_agl’. low_thresh (float): The low cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 300 m (97000 Pa) mid_thresh (float): The mid cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 2000 m (80000 Pa) high_thresh (float): The high cloud threshold (meters for ‘height_agl’ and ‘height_msl’, pascals for ‘pres’). Default is 6000 m (45000 Pa) |
uvmet_wspd | uvmet_wspd_wdir | Wind Speed Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet_wdir | uvmet_wspd_wdir | Wind Direction (wind_from_direction) Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet10_wspd | uvmet10_wspd_wdir | 10m Wind Speed Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
uvmet10_wdir | uvmet10_wspd_wdir | 10m Wind Direction (wind_from_direction) Rotated to Earth Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wspd | wspd_wdir | Wind Speed in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wdir | wspd_wdir | Wind Direction (wind_from_direction) in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wspd10 | wspd_wdir10 | 10m Wind Speed in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |
wdir10 | wspd_wdir10 | 10m Wind Direction (wind_from_direction) in Grid Coordinates |
m s-1 km h-1 mi h-1 kt ft s-1 |
units (str) : Set to desired units. Default is ‘m s-1’. |