
wrf.decorators.cast_type(ref_idx=0, arg_idxs=None, karg_names=None, alg_dtype=<MagicMock id='140226727394384'>, outviews='outview')

A decorator to handle type casting.

This decorator is used to cast variables to and from the required numpy.dtype used in the wrapped function.

  • ref_idx (int, optional) – The index in the wrapped function’s positional arguments to be used as the reference variable for determining the numpy.dtype to return. Default is 0.
  • arg_idxs (sequence of int, optional) – A sequence of indexes in the wrapped function’s positional arguments that indicate which arguments to cast. Must be specified if karg_names is None. Default is None.
  • karg_names (sequence of str) – A sequence of keyword arguments in the wrapped function’s keyword arguments that indicate the arguments to cast. Must be specified if arg_idxs is None. Default is None.
  • alg_dtype (numpy.dtype or str) – The numpy data type used in the wrapped function.
  • outviews (str or a sequence) – A single key or sequence of keys that indicate the wrapped function’s keyword argument to use as the output variable(s) in the wrapped function.

The wrapped function’s output cast to the same numpy.dtype as the reference variable.

Return type:
