
class wrf.NullProjection

A wrf.WrfProj subclass for empty projections.

The NullProjection is primarily used for creating missing projections when using the ‘join’ method.


Initialize a wrf.NullProjection object.


__init__() Initialize a wrf.NullProjection object.
basemap(geobounds, **kwargs) Return a matplotlib.mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap object for the map projection.
cartopy() Return a cartopy.crs.Projection subclass for the map projection.
cartopy_xlim(geobounds) Return the x extents in projected coordinates for cartopy.
cartopy_ylim(geobounds) Return the y extents in projected coordinates for cartopy.
cf() Return a dictionary with the NetCDF CF parameters for the projection.
proj4() Return the PROJ.4 string for the map projection.
pyngl(geobounds, **kwargs) Return a Ngl.Resources object for the map projection.