

Return a tuple of latitude, longitude, and projection parameters from a WRF output file object or a sequence of WRF output file objects.

  • wrfin (netCDF4.Dataset, Nio.NioFile, or an iterable) – WRF-ARW NetCDF data as a netCDF4.Dataset, Nio.NioFile or an iterable sequence of the aforementioned types.

  • timeidx (int or wrf.ALL_TIMES, optional) – The desired time index. This value can be a positive integer, negative integer, or wrf.ALL_TIMES (an alias for None) to return all times in the file or sequence. Default is 0.

  • varname (str, optional) – The variable name to extract the coordinate variable names from. Default is None, which will use the default coordinate variable names (‘XLAT’, ‘XLONG’).


A tuple of the latitude coordinate variable, longitude coordinate, and global projection attributes.

Return type:
