
wrf.is_moving_domain(wrfin, varname=None, latvar=<wrf.util.either object>, lonvar=<wrf.util.either object>, _key=None)

Return True if the domain is a moving nest.

This function is used to test for a moving domain, since the WRF output does not set any flags in the file for this. The test will be performed for all files in any sequences and across all times in each file.

This result is cached internally, so this potentially lengthy check is only done one time for any given wrfin parameter.

  • wrfin (netCDF4.Dataset, Nio.NioFile, or an iterable) – WRF-ARW NetCDF data as a netCDF4.Dataset, Nio.NioFile or an iterable sequence of the aforementioned types.
  • varname (str, optional) – A specific NetCDF variable to test, which must contain a ‘coordinates’ attribute. If unspecified, The latvar and lonvar parameters are used. Default is None.
  • first_ur_corner (tuple) – A (latitude, longitude) pair for the upper right corner found in the initial file.
  • latvar (str or either, optional) – The latitude variable name. Default is either('XLAT', 'XLAT_M').
  • lonvar (str or either, optional) – The latitude variable name. Default is either('XLAT', 'XLAT_M').
  • _key (int, optional) – A caching key. This is used for internal purposes only. Default is None.

True if the domain is a moving nest, False otherwise.

Return type:
